Source: Child Support Recovery Act Violates Tenth Amendment
Constitutional Connection: Amendment 10; Powers of the State and People
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Explanation of Connection: This article is about how the court believes that the Child Support Recovery Act violates the Tenth Amendment. A Texas resident was indicted under the Child Support Recovery Act for failing to make support payment for his child, who resided in New York. The man argues that the CSRA violates the 10th Amendment because it exceeds congress's power to regulate interstate commerce.
This article demonstrates the 10th Amendment- Powers of the state and People of the United States Constitution. The tenth amendment gives people the right to have power, also that the government has the right to regulate only matters delegated to it by the constitution.
I believe that the man should not be indicted because he could not make payments for his child, not everyone has all that money. Also if the Supreme Court believes that the Child Support Recovery Act violates the tenth amendment why was it ever made?
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